Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A week in the life - Tuesday

So many of you are taking absolutely beautiful pictures! I don't but that's ok, it's just not doable this week. We're either in the car, having in laws staying with us or staying in other people's home. So there's really no time to set the self timer, plan on taking picture in great light or asking people to pose. I'll snap pictures with my cellphone or our point and shoot camera and it will have to do.

On Tuesday I went to the doctors (wish I'd had the guts to take a picture in the actual room because it was hilarious but I'm way too shy to ask for that) and then we did some errands before my mother in law, brother in law and his girlfriend came to visit us. Our daughter had not met BIL before (she's been with us less than a year and they live far away) and was very shy but warmed up to him in the evening. Love the picture where she finally was brave enough to climb up on his lap.
Right before I went to bed I remembered I was not on any of the pictures this day and snapped this self portrait in the bathroom mirror. Not a very happy picture, haha, but I'll include it anyway.

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